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Mental Reset: Day 9

Today’s Mental Reset focus is to add in a 10 minute stretch during your day. Some of you might already include stretching with your...

Mental Reset: Day 8

The Mental Reset is not only focused on psychological skills, but also on different components that will enhance your mental...

Mental Reset: Day 6

A goal should scare you a little and EXCITE you a lot!” -Joe Vitale Today the focus is on goal setting. Goal setting is a process that is...

Mental Reset: Day 5

The focus for today is learning to breathe. Sounds silly, I know, but so important!!! Learning to control your breath is powerful and...

Mental Reset: Day 4

“Thank you for being a friend…” (cue the Golden Girls theme song!) The focus for today is about friendship! I know many of you might be...

Mental Reset: Day 3

Today’s focus is all about meditation! Mediation is a mental skills technique that can be used for athletes to assist in becoming more...

Mental Reset: Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of the Mental Reset! Today, your focus is on your self-talk patterns. Whether we’re aware of it or not, we are...

Mental Reset: Day 1

The 1st day of the Mental Reset is focusing on your “WHY”. No matter how experienced you are as an athlete, this component is critical...

Motivation Tips

Most athletes have been there…they’ve been setting their training on 🔥 and then one day…BAM…they hit a wall of feeling unmotivated. This...

Keep Growing

🗣What separates you from others? 🗣What makes you a unique athlete? 🗣What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals?...

Train your Mind

Athletes spend countless hours physically training for their sport. The time and energy devoted to being successful in sport is apparent....

The Stress Response

The response to stress is what separates athletes. Stress is inevitable. No matter the level of athlete, the skill they have, the years...

Reflection of the Week

3, 2, 1 reflection of the week: ✳️What are three things you’re proud of accomplishing over the past week? ✳️What were two challenges you...

Small Victories, Big Reward!

Not all wins have to be completely performance related. Some small wins might be overlooked, but each win plays into overall success!...

The Power of Habits

This @jamesclear quote speaks volumes regarding the physiological response that occurs when individuals are successful at making their...

Sleep Tips for Athletes

Sleep is a powerful tool for athletes. Not only does it assist with the physical repair for the body, but it helps with the mental...


Sometimes we need to give ourselves the kick we need to get started. The perfect sign that we’re looking for might not appear. There will...

Mistakes Produce Growth

There are not many athletes that enjoy failure or making mistakes. For many, it might seem like success is being compromised. There is...

Reflection of the Week

3, 2, 1 reflection of the week: ✳️What are three things you’re proud of accomplishing over the past week? ✳️What were two challenges you...

Incorporate “Fun” into Your Training!

Don’t forget to add in some fun for yourself this weekend! It’s very important to not only add in recovery days for your body, but to...

Blog: Blog2
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