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Sleep Tips for Athletes

Absolute Fitness Performance

Sleep is a powerful tool for athletes. Not only does it assist with the physical repair for the body, but it helps with the mental recovery, too!

Sleep should be recognized as an integral part of an athlete’s training program. Just as an athlete dedicates time to planning their training sessions and nutrition, they should do the same with their sleep!

Here are some tips to get you started with strengthening your sleep hygiene.

  1. Declutter your room

  2. Turn off technology

  3. Set up a pre-bed routine

  4. Avoid doing work in bed

  5. Minimize television

  6. Try meditation or progressive muscle relaxation

  7. Stay on your sleep and wake schedule

  8. Limit caffeine

  9. Brain dump before bed

Take this in small steps and make gradual adjustments over time. Your body and mind will thank you for making these adjustments!

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