Today I want to introduce the concept of taking mindful walks and the value they can provide to your overall well-being.
Many times when we walk, our focus is on getting from point A to point B. We walk with a specific purpose and for some of us, we try to get there as fast as we can (especially if we are competitive 😂). Some of us might also be focused on our cell phones or prioritizing thoughts on our to-do lists.
Enter mindful walking. This is the process where you work on enhancing your awareness during your walks by limiting phone time, avoiding the rush or pressure to arrive somewhere by a specific time, but instead focus on your surroundings.
Take the time to look at the trees, nature, houses along your path, etc. It might even be beneficial to leave the headphones at home! 🌳 🦆
☀️ If there’s a certain time of day when you feel
most peaceful or relaxed, that would be the perfect time for these walks! 🌙
Start by setting a goal for yourself. Maybe 10 minute mindful walks 2 times a week to start. Gradually add in as you feel is necessary.